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RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch comes to LPA

Every year, the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), ask the general public to carry out a survey of birds that frequent our gardens. This is the World’s largest wildlife survey and it involves watching birds from your garden, making a note of the species that visit, as well as the number that visit in one sitting. This enables RSPB to monitor any bird species that may be declining and from that help with increasing species numbers where necessary.

To help out with the Big Garden Birdwatch at school, Maximillian F in year 7, made homemade bird feeders and went bird watching in the school garden! Maximillian had great fun getting messy making bird feeders and he was impressive at spotting any birds that landed close by.

Maximillian made eco friendly bird feeders using pine cones, vegetable lard and seeds, which will stay in the school garden for the birds to feast on. He also made a bird feeder for his own garden at home by recycling a plastic bottle!

If you want to take part at home, all you have to do is go to the RSPB website and order in your free Big Garden Birdwatch pack.

A big thank you to Maximillian for taking part.

Mrs Walter

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