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This year has been hard on everyone due to Covid-19. With this in mind a tutor group from the sixth form has decided that they would like to contribute to the local community and help others going through a difficult time this Christmas. After some thought we have decided to make packs to donate to The Night Kitchen in Swindon.

The Night Kitchen is an amazing organisation that helps feed and support those in need or who are homeless. With Christmas fast approaching they will require extra donations to help those in need at this time of year.

So, this is where we kindly ask you to help us by donating, if you are able to, so we are able to make packs to help those in need.

Some ideas for what to donate:

  • Personal grooming products such as deodorant, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, combs, brushes, baby wipes, shower gels, shampoo, hand sanitizer
  • Dry store food products such as food in tins, pasta, noodles, rice, or any foods that do not need to be stored in a fridge and that have a long use by date
  • Baby products such as wipes, nappies, powdered milk

We are aiming to have the packs ready by the 10th of December so we are able to deliver them to the families in need in time for Christmas.  To achieve this please can all donations be with 6TB by the 3rd of December. All donations must be delivered to S8 (6TB tutor room). If you have any questions or concerns about donations please email Mrs Barker.

Many thanks in advance,


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