01.10.20 Here are the results of the recent Cross-Country house competition. These are the top 8 finishes with points awarded for their final positions. The winner of each race scores double points. Congratulations to all who took part. Each winner receives an R4 from the Principal. Year 9 Year 9 KS3 Boys Girls House Total Pts House Pts J Cuss P H Wellsbury H P 6 200 M 21 J Khaira M R DarT H H 5 150 H 15 L Rumming P K Fenton B M 5 150 P 13 A Skinner M M Hetherington P B 2 50 B 5 F Skittrall PP J Hunter H R Udrescu H A Wellfair B R Tillson-Phillips H C Gordan M G Da Silva P F Mathias MM Year 8 Year 8 Boys Girls House Total Pts H Lima M Neve Poulton HH M 9 200 H Skeet M K Karacheva H H 5 150 J Bell P S Thomas M P 3 100 J Kersey M M Hodge H B 1 50 R Blower PP K Thompson M G Hellewell H J Titcombe M G White M J Tong B L Davies M S Leonard M Year 7 Year 7 Boys Girls House Total Pts S Bailey HH G Martin MM M 7 200 C Ash H R Hawkins P H 5 150 M Martin H M Bell P P 4 100 J Picewicz B N Field M B 2 50 T Evans B B Laker H J Bennett P L Dart M J Mowatt M M McConnell M S Parmaku P Lily Miles M Latest Articles: Supporting Local Families A Partnership Supporting Local Families Arval UK have played a significant part in the development... Find Out More Sing with Billy Singing with Billy takes place during Session 6 on Mondays in C1.3. 3.15pm - 3.45pm. All... Find Out More