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Preparing for Adulthood Transitions Roadshow

The Transitions Roadshow is for parents, carers and professionals who support young people age 14+ with additional needs.

The term 'Transition' relates to young people with additional needs who may need extra and sometimes specialist support to help them to prepare for adult life. Preparing for adulthood can start from around age 14, and will include thinking about good health, independent living, social life, family and friendships, and employment, education and training.

The 2022 Transitions Roadshow will take place on Wednesday 15th June from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at the Legends Lounge, Swindon Town Football Club. 

The Roadshow is for parents, carers and professionals who support young people age 14+ with additional needs. 

There will be over 40 stallholders at the Roadshow who will provide information and advice, and the chance to find out what services and opportunities are available to support young people as they prepare for adulthood. Organisations taking part are representing employment, training and volunteering, education and social care, health, voluntary sector services, community and sports activities, and others. 

Please come along.

For more information about the Transitions Roadshow, contact Victoria Guillaume at

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